The One About Eights

The One About Eights with Alli Kelley Type It Out with T and Cass

This episode is all about Type 8s, also known as The Challenger. Our guest is Alli Kelley, who is, of course, an eight!

Alli Kelley is the creator of the blog Longbourn Farm where she shares simple homemade recipes. Alli believes that family meals create special moments and those moments become treasured memories. In addition to tried-and-true kitchen favorites, Alli shares practical farm and garden tips. She used her formal education in agriculture to help her audience understand farming and ranching. She believes knowledge and choices in the grocery store empower you to feel confident in the kitchen!

In this episode, we talk all about eights, from Alli’s “a-ha” moment when she realized she herself was an eight to how we can better communicate with eights and what she would love us all to know about eights. For a little off-Enneagram info about Alli, be sure to check out the bloopers after the show 🙂

Disclaimer: We want to leave you with the disclaimer that we are by no means Enneagram experts. But we know first-hand how the Enneagram has helped us in our own lives, and we can’t help but share it with other women in ag and the world, really.

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