The One about Ones

The One About Ones with Cassidy Johnston Type It Out with T and Cass

We’re back with an episode about Type One! Our “guest” today is our very own Cass, who is, of course, a very “one” one. 

Cassidy Johnston (but just call her Cass) lives with her husband and three little boys on a large cattle ranch in the mountains of south-central Colorado. Raised in town, she’s been living the ranch life for over ten years after God decided that her big plans of law school and a BMW were not a good fit (he was right). She loves wide-open spaces, cool mountain mornings, watching the same movies over and over, talking about agriculture with anyone and everyone, reading (sometimes junk) fiction, going on adventures with her boys, long walks, seasonal decor, finding weird places to put Christmas lights, and snacks. You can find her at @casskjohn on Instagram!

Type one is referred to as the reformer or perfectionist. Ones strive to perfect the world around them and become resentful toward themselves and those around them who cannot live up to their standards. Ones have an inner critic who can be a little tough sometimes but also helps them to see where improvements and efficiencies can be made, which can be pretty handy. The Ones in your life are the listmakers, the dishwasher reloaders, the action planners. 

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